so headline says it all ... im saying this as a request on an idea of changing oddments cosmetics change
what basically saying is
Can we change it up i mean we have had solite and lunite cosmetics as rewards for several months i feel it should change up least 1 or 2 months where 1 month its solite and lunite cosmetics and changes to maybe death beard or some other cosmetic as ideas i mean why not parts of an egyptian set? bring back Mystical Staff? Maybe Hydro Cape set with cosmetics that goes with it
just think cosmetics on oddments cosmetics and awards should have a particular Cycle change
bet most Members has full solite and Lunite already
i mean gee why not a god set cosmetic with certain Gods own based weapons Zaros cosmetic Staff? Armadyls Cosmetic Bow/Crossbow Saradomins ???? Guthix Sword of erdict?
bring Ocean Archer back?
Maybe some cosmetic for future holidays? Maybe buyable emotes or animations for oddments
just saying make other uses for oddments then myself only using oddments for Cores Prismatics Silverhawks Etc...
If yall agree if not oh well i just think you should change oddments awards cosmetics up a bit nake it a purpose for the use of oddments i mean why not use oddments to gather high amount oddment worth skilling Fragments gee why not set it 1k oddments for a particular skiller fragment outfit piece?.
Also why not add Gift boxes with lamp random cosmetic token and prismatic
common - small pris small or lamp chances of cosmetic piece super rare
and the rarity decreases by common to Rare Gift box
Rare Gift box Cosmetic piece guarenteed 25% Gp whom knows Large Lamp or prism
or try.... Rare token as love token walking cosmetic or Rare rest Cosmetic Or Rare Pet token Cosmetic
so many ideas
Why not add Dwarfen Chainaxe The Rod use for fishing god forgot what it's called...