It’s been awhile since we had new rare items in the rare item store, so instead of moaning that we need new items here’s a few ideas of new items which can be added to the store.
Feel free to add to the list. Who knows they maybe in the next bunch!
Ninjato- straight katana which sheaths on the back. Commonly used in Hollywood’s depiction of ninja and shanobi. This will sit over any cape and when in the main hand will leave the sheath still on the back similar to how tetsu katanas work. Off hand as well, this will just be the exact same and will sheath next to the main hand.
Griffin pet- this will be available in the pet interface and will be in the follower category.
Pegasus pet - this will be available in the pet interface and will be in the follower category.
Jet pack rest emote - made from the dwarves and part of the immido set. You stand there hovering with a jet pack on your back.
Shoe polish rest emote - bend down and shine those shoes!
Dark dye/ light dye - able to dye certain sets of gear a darker or lighter version of there original colours.
Vine bow - green short bow made of vines
These are just a few ideas that came to mind which would be fun if they were in the game, feel free to add to the list! See who comes up with the best ideas.
On a second note, the lucky items on offer need to be changed. There needs to be a week during a change over where people have increased chances to obtain lucky items to finish sets off and then once that week is over they are vaulted only to be brought back in bonus boosters or wonder bar.
New items need to be added such as Torva, pernix, virtus/ and the sets weapons. That will keep people interested in TH if they are rare collectors like me. Anyways add to the list let’s see what’s the best ideas!
05-Jun-2019 13:18:18