It's not a mystery really. New School is the cash cow. It exists to be milked. Jx does these limited time promos that require rw$ to complete because they are profitable. Small chance/ limited time promos work to encourage players with more rw$ than sense to spend whatever it takes to get the prize, and then strut around in it. It really doesn't matter that the prize is not particularly desirable. What matters is that it is the latest thing, and they are showing off access to cash.
Right now, the RS page says 102,000 players on line. Of that 70,000 are OS. It can't be that all those people have old equipment. It most likely is that they don't want to play the cash cow game. Now, if Jx can simply realize why the cash cow game is failing and not try to bring those tactics to OS.
But realize that we are playing a game but Jx isn't. Jx is a business which exists to make money like all businesses. And the bonus goes to the suit who can find a way to increase profit. Of course, once that level is reached, more ways must be found so suits can have more bonuses. The bingo card idea might go away, but other cash grabs must replace it. This must be.
29-Apr-2018 21:13:54