Azure dragonbreath cosmetic ability scroll.
Came out
Academy of Heros
(July 21, 2022-July 27, 2022)
It's a commonly used ability in the magic rotation and one of the more memorable RS3 abilities.
On release it was around 750m. (roughly 360 days ago as of writing)
The last 200+ days, the price has been trading for around 2,000m.
third party RuneScape3 discord servers have reported trades as high as 2,900m-4,000m
It would be good to see a return of the Azure Dragon Breath cosmetic scroll to the Academy of Heros rotation before adding another rarely used barricade cosmetic scroll
(ultimate, which uses 100% adrenaline, a situational ability that most players skip using entirely)
On release, I bought and unlocked
cosmetic abilities scrolls and continued to do with each Academy of Heros event (in addition, keeping up with all Yak Tracks). But not every player does that. Nor should they be priced gouged for wanting to use the blue variant of dragon breath.
23-Jul-2023 19:57:25