We have two admins in the UK who I will pay for them to go if they can make it. We also have two in the USA who would really like to go, but may not depending on flights and prices.
What do you think fansites should be given during RuneFest?
How about some dedicated computers for FanSites to show-off there pages and features?
What things should we be aloud to do during RuneFest?
Any form of advertizing would be great - we all want to build stronger and bigger communities. I think at least a one-hour panel with us and J-Mods to discuss fan-sites and the future is something Jagex should schedule.
Should each Fansite have Special and unique Competitions for giving away RuneFest Entry Tickets?
I think this is a personal choice and any fan-site who wants to invest in this is welcome to.
Should we do posters again for RuneFest?
I would say "yes"!
Should all fansites be treated equal no matter what tier they are during RuneFest?
I think this is essential. We all want to grow and develop, and we all work just as hard as each other - often we have just not been around as long to reach the maturity of the big two or three sites.
23-May-2014 15:27:46