I would say I want all of them, except the Godless one. Everytime I see the Godless in game, I only see a reflection of the "Atheists" that roam the Internet, bashing every religion like they are the only ones who are right. Definitely a "No, thank you"
But my first choices would probably go for a King Valliance or DoC 2.
We know Sir Amik Varze, and even the White Knights as a whole, are not that clear and they did something to the king to take control. I want to finally expose their typical Saradominist hypocrisy to the world once and for all, and restore Asgarnia to its rightful king (Either by getting King Valliance to rule again, or getting Anlaf out of Burthorpe and on the throne).
And I also want DoC 2 because I hope with all my heart it gives me an opportunity to snatch the Wand from Saradomin and break it on my knee while giving that hypocritical smurf the finger. I really do not care if I have to kill Owen for good right after, that would be one less Saradominist zealot in the world for all I care.
Rite of Passage is also a quest I await dearly. We still do not know enough about Armadyl, I want more light shed on his origins, his ascencion, and the whole deal with Abbinah. Maybe it could change my opinion on his naivety, or reinforce it if Abbinah is in a stare more dire than I expected.
21-Mar-2017 07:55:30