Me and some friends were discussing the new Deathbeard event going on for the next few weeks. It was mentioned that the word 'death' appeared quite often in the names of Gielinor's pirates. We now have a Cpt. Deathbeard and a Cpt. Braindeath; this made us consider why the infamous Rabid Jack lacked this nomenclature trait, and it caused me to speculate.
Now, this is not based on any lore that has been released (save the introduction of a new undead pirate captain), but I remember pirates such as PotC's 'Bootstrap' Bill. In these films, this pirate's true name was William Turner. His son knew this name, and Cpt. Sparrow knew this name, but almost everybody else only ever knew him as "Bootstrap" Bill.
What if, and I'm speculating on this, Rabid Jack's real name was something like James "Rabid Jack" Deathington? Now, being a heartless scallywag, it would be unbecoming to introduce oneself as Cpt. Deathington. The name's cumbersome, and somewhat awkward, so it would make sense that he would use his nickname to inspire fear on the high-seas.
It would be an interesting continuation of a motif, and if confirmed (delusions of grandeur here), it would add to the shrouded history of Rabid Jack. Feel free to speculate (but please be kind!).
16-Jan-2017 19:09:33