I've been trying to find a chronological quest order list, but haven't yet found anything that sits right with me. There's the 'timeline' order of quests in game, but aside from putting lots of quests into certain eras, it doesn't really make sense. It has the player going here there and everywhere inefficiently, and quests frequently have a pre requisite quest that takes place later on or even in an entirely different future era, making the timeline impossible to follow. There's also a few attempts in threads, but I found these to be quite jarring; in one of the most popular ones, it has you doing Troll Stronghold (with an enemy just under 100 combat level) as the sixth quest... Sheep Shearer is the 38th. Why would I be shearing someone's sheep for them after knocking down vampyres and trolls?
So I made a list of quests and organised them through a few filters. First I listed them all, then sorted in alphabetical order since a lot of quests have no strict placement so they might as well be in a neat order. Secondly, I organised them into their timeline eras (aside from a couple of outliers due to pre requisites). Then within each era, I sorted them by combat difficulty since it makes far more sense to me that someone would start off shearing sheep and gathering ingredients for a cake before starting fighting even small monsters, then going on to fight greater beasts. Next, I sorted by location, because it makes far more sense for the player to complete the quests that are next door to each other rather than teleporting around the world; in universe, the player character has no reason to randomly teleport from ardougne to draynor to do another quest, it makes more sense to walk there doing quests along the way. Finally, I sorted by pre requisite clashes, where the current order caused issues in which case I moved a few quests forward which also keeps the plot threads a little more contained.
The result hopefully flows much more nicely, which I'll post below.
12-Jul-2019 04:58:34