Our Master has taken our children and siblings to the dark places beneath the earth, and we shall be hardfelt [sic] to ever see of them again! They are surely sacrificed for the dark machinations of the foul Amascut! (may the cats feed on her entrails!) No true Chosen of Tumeken would dare betray the children of the Sun!
Nay, but may we be prepared for the glorious day when a true Pharaoh might return to our fair Menaphos! May we ever be vigilant towards those who threaten us, but even more so to they who would threaten us from within! May these foul beasts employed by the Master to run our city be eaten by locusts! May the false rulers be driven so far out that Lord Scabaras be unaware of the paths they take!
I take no credit for this newcommer [sic], Jack of Spades indeed! but if he be willing to take from those who have grown fat off of our future, then he be no enemy of ours! Nay! Instead I would advise all to turn a blind eye should they happen to see Him! Knowing not his face, I would say he surely be a true son of Menaphos! Drink friends, to his continued fortune, and forget his movements when threatened by the guards!
As for you my brethren! Stay yourselves! Continue your lives, hide your coffers, and have something aside for a pinch! We will need our wits about us to continue in our homeland!
Make no outward sign, but keep your daggers under your cloak! Stir not the pot, yet should the gods deem you worthy to perish for our task's sake, take as many of them with you as you are able and be glad! For Lord Icthlarin will guide you and I to better shores, leaving them to the Devourer they seem so quick to serve! Shemu is nigh upon us all, and it will not pass unnoticed and without hunger pangs!
May the Children of the Sun continue! May the Folk of the Elid stay forever strong! May Menaphos stand tall above her enemies! And may Tumeken return to us soon!
Your Most Humble Servant!
*The Hourglass runs fresh*
06-Jun-2017 20:38:02
- Last edited on
07-Jun-2017 07:25:29