Upon further investigation, you discover the dwarves have more substantial mining ambitions than they originally let on. The Hook is the sole area of the Wushanko Isles with deposits of Necrite, and there was a very strict embargo on trading Necrite with the West, originating back during the God Wars as the khans sought not to take sides and risk the lives of their people, their power, or their wealth.
To ensure the gods did not invade for the local resources, the khans agreed to abandon their Necrite mines, and they remained so for ages. The only Necrite items to be found are small and plentiful items, easily smuggled out of the Hook by the likes of Ak-Haranu.
The dwarves, keen historians and a crafty people, know this and seek to mine Necrite for themselves, but wish to know its value first before they enter into negotiations for access to it. They mine some, test it, and it exceeds their expectations, proving itself stronger than even Runite.
The dwarves attempt to renegotiate their deal with the Ken-Ji Mining Guild (or khan, or both), claiming negotiations were not in good faith and with full disclosure of all materials.
You side with the KJMG/khan in the negotiations, and the dwarves are banned from mining it themselves for their deceit; however, as the people of the Hook are merely miners, the secrets of Necrite smithing long forgotten, and the local khan an ambitious one, the khan recognizes the value of dwarven craftsmanship and permits a small (ha) dwarf colony in the Hook to smith Guild-mine Necrite ore for trade within the Wushanko Isles and abroad, and he unilaterally lifts the ancient embargo.
For your role in the negotiations, you are granted permission to mine Necrite by the khan; in exchange for your service and a small supply of free ore as payment, the dwarves teach you how to smith Necrite.
28-Jul-2017 16:52:18