It could be either way.
I think it is worth considering a couple of things though:
1. In Zamorak's own words, the Staff of Armadyl is what revealed Zaros's connection to Char to him. As Zaros was not in possession of the staff, this could explain how he could be unaware of Char's situation.
On the other hand, given Zaros was able to see some of our surface memories and thoughts while he was in our mind's threshold, it is also possible that he could have skimmed the image of Char's situation from Zamorak's mind.
Then again, that would also require Zaros to actually be paying attention to Zamorak's thoughts. Given his surprise at Zamorak's plan to break free and his apparent focus on gloating, it's entirely possible that Zaros was too caught up in himself to actually notice Zamorak's memory of Char (if he could sense that memory in the first place).
2. Azzanadra reestablished contact with Zaros and not the other way around (and it was through Azzy he reconnected with his other followers). As much as we know Zaros was to some degree capable of observing Gielinor and exerting his power upon it, we really don't know how much he was capable of through the Communion Portal. In fact, the biggest impact his power had was in the space in between planes (the Abyss) and not on the other side of the Edicts barrier.
Even if we assume his power was not significantly curtailed by the Edicts of Guthix (which could be since he wasn't around to be personally banned by Guthix), Zaros is not omniscient. Even if he did learn that Char had been poisoned and left in a cave by Zamorak, that information isn't all that easy to act upon.
First, the information is several millennia out of date, so Char could have long since passed away. Second, the information that Char is poisoned in a cave somewhere really doesn't give them much of a place to start. Even if the memory included the cave being near Elven lands, that's still a wide area to go looking for a cave.
11-Jan-2017 04:41:17