She's his second precisely because, as you noted, she's prospered despite the fact that
was set up against her. The only people who provided her with anything even remotely resembling assistance viewed her as a slave and tool; everyone else was either ignorant of her existence or out to destroy her. Despite this, and despite being weaker than most Mahjarrat (at least, to begin with), she managed to survive and even keep pace with Zamorak.
It probably also has something to do with the fact that she accompanied him on his journey after the two of them left Daemonheim, which, as others have noted, probably led to her believing in his philosophy more strongly than most (whether that's indoctrination or understanding is up to you to decide, I guess; I wouldn't personally call it the former, because it implies deception. Pretty sure Zamorak's not lying to her about it).
And, honestly, I think she's probably a better leader and strategist than Bilrach, whatever the differences in their power; due respect to him--he got the job done--but the one leadership position we've seen him in ended in something of a disaster for nearly everybody involved. The Battle of Lumbridge wasn't Zamorak's finest moment, but at the very least, it demonstrates that she's as competent a leader as any Saradominist. And unlike all the other Zamorakian Mahjarrat, she was actually there for him when he needed her.
A Zamorakian lorehound, probably.
30-Nov-2017 05:38:33