The Elder Artefacts' mortal names tend to follow the pattern "The [Physical Descriptor] of [Prominent User]", given that those names are made by those not in contact with the Artefact itself. We know that the Measure is the Measure, but it someone else saw it then it would be known as:
The Rod of the World Guardian
That would be fun.
"Did you see the Rod of the World Guardian?"
"Of course I did, he's planting it everywhere that he can."
"I heard that some of the gods want his Rod."
"Don't believe rumors like that. Even if he's the world Guardian, I doubt the gods are lining up to get their hands on the Rod."
29-Mar-2014 16:05:16
- Last edited on
29-Mar-2014 16:05:45
The Waste of Bank Space of Balustan.
Your bank sounds pretentious if an elder artefact is treated as waste.
No just this particular Elder Artefact. It is useless to me.
SG Poy
I personally call it the Stick of Truth.
And with this we have 3 peeps who support the stick of truth.
Whoever controls the stick controls the universe!!!!