You mean you want to undo three entire ages of outrageous propaganda and brainwashing? Woah... where does one start... The only way I see fit to accomplish this, is probing the minds of the people with more ridiculous rumours and nonsense that would conform to a some pattern that fits their flawless character perfectly.
Better yet, let's send an apology letter through Postie Pete to every citizen of the universe, to say that we were all deeply wrong about the gods' motives, and that they will make up for it.
One could write whatever they want by officially using their signature, something like this:
this letter was signed by [insert god here] and magically sealed at their office with their official insignia as can be seen on the flip side - side note: taxes are being raised for the time being due to our gods permanent presence; next week the recollection will take place with a ten percent intrest.
Sometimes one must operate within the
to serve the
. For a man makes no noise over a good deed, but passes on to another as a vine to bear fruits again in season, in order that the world may ever be new.
13-Oct-2017 22:38:48
- Last edited on
13-Oct-2017 22:38:58