I was thinking upon the souls part of the gods and a thought came across me.
What if the gods had no souls because they were already dead?!
It seems to make sense to me, all living creatures will have souls which generates anima but gods dont have a soul, they dont generate anima and only manipulate it for power purposes. They dont have any after life either while a deity. why? Because they are already dead, being ascended and being a god IS their afterlife. Sure, they started harbouring a soul in sliskes endgame but that was only while their divinity was stripped, it was established as soon as they left the labyrinth that their fledgling soul would disappear and they would be divine once more. All young gods were mortals too who ascended, that would require death surely.
I know this is a mess of a post but I did not know how to structure it let alone how to write the idea down :c
24-Dec-2016 01:39:01