Xau-tak and the Queen of Ashes were not on the horizon at that time.
Who knows if even the Elder Gods were planned to be allowed to be awakened (since we really only knew of Jas at the time).
However, prophecies, in any media, have a habit of not happening the way we think.
The Dragonkin showed us a vision of Draynor burning.
The obvious thought at the time: The Dragonkin are going to burn everything to the ground.
Now we know that 1 Elder God is sleeping of the coast. There may be another nearby.
The Queen of Ashes used the Lumbridge Crater bonfire to send an emissary thru.
We don't know what the fallout will be from Sliske's Endgame.
Perhaps Draynor ended up being the first major battlefield between the Dragonkin and an Elder God in their mutual plans of destruction and annihilation.
Or the Dragonkin were fighting a False User (Zamorak, Saradomin, any one of others).
So the matter of who started it now comes into question.
Perhaps, it was the Dragonkin warning the soon to be World Guardian not to meddle in their plans, because frankly, you'd only make things worse.
They might have had a far more effective plan at dealing with the Elder Gods than your puny mortal mind could come up with, especially since they've had ages to prepare.
They don't need to throwing a proverbial monkey wrench in it because ... well ... while they don't care about humans ... you really would and could ... make things far worse.
13-Nov-2016 18:41:40