
Xau-Tak: Slayer/Corruption/

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First this post might have some things that sound like ideas or game suggestions, but they are just speculation on the mysterious entity that is Xau-tak

First the quotes that started it all

“And that's not even counting the evil gods and the worlds they ruin! The desolation of Tuska. The battlefields of Bandos. The fire-wastes of the Queen of Ashes. The corpse oceans of Xau-Tak. “ -V

“Or a series of old locations, that happen to be linked by a common plot thread that has been around since 2005” – Mod Wilson

My theory is that Xau-Tak is a great corrupting force that only lives to spread, corrupt, and then continue spreading to substain itself on anima mundi. I think some of the earlier slayer creatures were corruptions and harbingers of Xau-Tak that it used to infiltrate Gielinor while the Edicts of Guthix were still up by abusing holes all over the world created by chance. Also how the abyss plays a role, Daemonheim, and how the Stone of Jas may also fall into Xau-Taks goals. Keeping with the “themes” of the Gods I believe Xau-tak to be primarily

Corruption, Adaptation, Spread
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Valor, Vindication, Vravery! For V!

30-Nov-2015 22:21:58



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Slayer was released in 2005, and covers the entire world of Runescape from dungeons to the wilderness. This is the broadest thing from 2005, and one that still continues to be developed long after it. People are thinking to small IMO when they tie xau-tak to only the abyss cause it has tentacles.

Not as you recall the first big slayer dungeons where Slayer caves and tower. Inside these are many monsters, but what most share is that they seem to be an amalgamation of animals and creatures and often seem to lack eyes, limbs, etc. But something peculiar is that substantial amount of these monsters who are found in both slayer dungeons have descriptions that refer to them as “x of Evil “

Rockslug: Slime of Evil
Basilisk: Eyes of evil
Bloodveld: Tounge of Evil (chthonian)

Now it’s odd that all these have the x of evil pattern, and that a lot of them seem like I described, disfigured, missing limbs, corrupted. This “evil” the player sense is Xau-tak. I believe these are corruptions of lifeforms that xau-tak appropriated for his mission. Since the edicts of guthix wouldn’t let in xau-tak proper, he sent those harbingers to scout out the planet, reproduce, and when he finally returns command to rise and serve his dark cause. Each of them were corrupted to serve specific purposes, like biting, crawling, stalking, mashing, just simple functions that together and en masse could be devastating.
But wait there’s more!

Not all the slayer monsters have the “of evil” description, but all of them seem like composite parts put together or frightening malformed versions of things.
Turoth: Lack eyes, have three legs, are essentially on teeth
Cockatrices: Snakes with legs and wings, no arms, paralyze
Kurask: They have some lore, but are essentially spiked monsters vulnerable only to specific weapons.
Abyssal monsters: We’ll get to it (spoiler Chtonians are made by xau-tak)
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Valor, Vindication, Vravery! For V!

30-Nov-2015 22:22:06 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2015 22:31:29 by Daximos



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While attack is accuracy, and all the other combat skills are self explanatory, the point of slayer is to know how to deal with creatures that are unconventionally hard to kill, adaptive, and have few weaknesses. Even if you have 99 all combat if you have 1 slayer you won** know how to deal with slayer monsters properly.

I believe the original slayer monsters were specially corrupted by xau-tak to be very hard to kill and in many different varieties so expelling all of them would be specially difficult. Thus xau-tak would always surivive in some niche and be present in some place. The rest of the slayer monsters that obviously don’t belong to xau-tak like Airut and spiritual mages happen to fall into slayer because they are hard to kill and have specific weaknesses.

With slayer being one of the main themes around Xau-tak, it makes sense that the player, and all adventurers may be one of the most important, if not only methods of defeating xau-tak and his army.

Locations and xau-taks role in them.

Relekka dung, Polliv dung, and lumbridge swamps, Abyss ((chthonian)), Daemonehim
These are all places were slayer creatures, specially the original ones can all be found (except abyss but that’s specific).

These locations I believe are also clues to Xau-taks strategy and origins on Runescape. The things these locations have that are very particular are the slayer monsters, their interdimensional elements, and their ties to the stone of Jas (OOOH)


The abyss is the glue that holds together realms and contains abyssal demons. Now abyssal demons are demons and also Chthonian which have clear lore behind them as the 2nd rulers of infernus, you can read up wiki on them. We don’t really know the origin and earliest moments of Infernus, but I believe the chthonians were early corruptions by xau-tak on infernus.
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Valor, Vindication, Vravery! For V!

30-Nov-2015 22:22:13 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2015 22:24:49 by Daximos



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Now the abyss is important in that it exists between realms, so any tear in the abyss could spill anything in there outside. Xau-tak could use the abyss as a pathway to send his minions to into realms and once arrived, consume their anima and corrupt them to his desire to use to spread elsewhere. It could be that the abyss is xau-taks base of operations which he may or may not be in currently.

Polliv Dung:

This location again has most of the original slayer monsters in it, two of them with the “of evil” subtitle. It also has boss versions of these monsters that are much stronger and potent than the rest. But most importantly is the machinery in the middle. If you look at it, it looks like a mishmash of ingredients and that it barely holds together. While we don’t know the history of this dungeon, I think xau-tak somehow got this machine built and used it to get even more of his minions inside Runescape. I don’t recall where I read it but Jagex said it definitely has plans for this machine.

Slayer Tower

The slayer tower holds most of the original slayer monsters including Abby demons. Lorewise the slayer tower’s monsters came about from Zamorak mages summoning creatures to aid them – but one day one of their strongest mages open up a portal to a realm with “vicious mosnters” which is likely the abyss containing not only demons but more of xau-taks forces. IF you look at the portal today it has tentacles seeping out of it. Whether this is xau-tak directly or just the abyssal monsters in particular I cannot know. However I strongly think this is not the direct interference by Xau-tak V was talking about.
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Valor, Vindication, Vravery! For V!

30-Nov-2015 22:22:17 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2015 22:26:16 by Daximos



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As we know Bilrach’s goal was to reach The Rift or this place where the barrier between dimensions grows thin, and also that he opened many portals to summon creatures to keep anything following him out. Perhaps in opening all portals ***** nilly, Bilrach may have opened some that had prior visits from xau-tak and his corruption
Aside from slayer creatures these include Gorajo, Behemoths, and Stalkers

I believe that behemoths most feel like Xau-tak to me, they are incredibly hard to kill, there are known to be many of the same type (i.e multiple hope devourers) and they have potent capabilities like devouring hope. Stalkers seem to advanced to be minions and Gorajo are Gorajo (but they are excellent fighters which explains their survival)

The warped floors are significant because here things are extremely corrupted, damaged, and strange and are the closest to the effects of the rift. The warped gulega and dreadnaught seem like they were corrupted into something even more dangerous. Perhaps xau-tak had more direct contact here, but still abused the holes bilrach left to enter the world.

Animal Islands (Tuska)

Tuska, being an ever travelling, devouring behemoth probably crashed through many planets with xau-taks influence. The proof is that in two of the islands, and the garden island, there seems to be some tentacles that are foreign and detrimental. In fact the examine for the fire island and the farming island if I remember right are about corruptions in a long lost world. Xau-tak must have corrupted these worlds in the past and drained their anima before or during a Tuska encounter. The fact that they exist means they continue to feed off the remaining anima and survive.
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Valor, Vindication, Vravery! For V!

30-Nov-2015 22:22:21 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2015 22:27:03 by Daximos



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Stone of Jas

Why would xau-tak want the stone of Jas? Perhaps he just sees it as a source of power to increase his own strength and continue doing what he’s been doing, but in a much stronger capacity. Like Tuska he might just be drawn to the anima mundi of the world and the energy in it.
Remember all these locations have the slayer monsters we are tying to xau-tak

Close to where V found the stone of Jas
Lumbridge Swamps
: Close to where the Stone of Jas was protected by balance elemental
: A dragonkin stronghold, perhaps they had a hold of it there once?

What is xau-tak/goals

At the moment I’m not sure what xau-tak is. A single being? A collective? A mindless beast like Tuska? I see one being more probable than all though

I think xau-tak is similar to a virus/bacteria/grey goo entity that cannot think but only lives to spread, consume, and spread again. It can hijack the host’s systems like corrupting creatures or infesting the land and then use these resources to create more of xau-tak and then spread to another world when it reaches critical mass. V (may his vindication come) is the only lore source of xau-tak. He declares seeing xau-tak’s “corpse oceans” which could be the remaining detritus from past colonizations and empty, expired hosts xau-tak has exploited. This would explain why V only mentions xau-taks effects, and not xau-tak directly.

Xau-tak as a virus like thing could spread infinitely and still exist, the same corruption on thousands of worlds. Xau-taks spread to Runescape could simply be chance that it was present when the portal near it was opened and it sent through its vessels.
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Valor, Vindication, Vravery! For V!

30-Nov-2015 22:22:26 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2015 22:28:42 by Daximos



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Powers/weakness, Origin

Xau-taks main power would be his ability to spread infinitely through a vector, be impossible to kill as it is constantly multiplying, and most importantly strength as an ever growing mass. Imagine if all the trees and slayer monsters of Runescape suddenly sought to destroy everything. Nothing could stop a simultaneous attack from all fronts. Any energy beam or w/e from the Gods would only destroy what of xau-tak is infront of them, not the endless ever growing mass elsewhere. Perhaps the most dangerous gods are those with power they cannot control instead of those who seek to use their power to control.
Tuska: Monstrous, nigh-unstoppable, immensely powerful unthinking beast of destruction
Xau-tak: Possible ever spreading entity that corrupts enemies, eats them, and spreads

Perhaps fire is a weakness of xau-tak, as fire also consumes and spreads without though, and fire can burn away the mass of xau-tak. However all of xau-tak would have to be destroyed, which is impossible. As we see in the anima islands, the tendrils can only be hurt by fire,and they keep spreading constantly.

The only other thing is
, close every way xau-tak can exploit to get to Gielinor, and burn all that is left of him. Every adventurer doing his part to push xau-tak back and close him off could be enough to eliminate the threat, or maybe a new anima shield.
Remember what killed Tuska? Not Sardomin and Skargaroth armed with elder artifacts, Not gods, but EVERY ADVENTURER IN RUNESCAPE working together to drain the anima and give it to Vorago so it could pierce Tuska’s anima shield.
Adventurers I believe are the only thing that can stop xau-tak, as they are trained in slayer to slay all its possible monsters, are many in number, and can think for themselves unlike minions of the gods. Perhaps in his last moment’s V saw that only the adventurer could stop what was to come, and gave his life to save you.
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Valor, Vindication, Vravery! For V!

30-Nov-2015 22:22:32 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2015 22:30:03 by Daximos



Posts: 842 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Additional Ties:

Mazcab: Perhaps when Tuska crashed into the goebie homeworld, some of xau-tak remained there. It’s beginning to manifest as the corruption in the nemi forest and perhaps is what makes violent animals like Druzag’s pets.
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Valor, Vindication, Vravery! For V!

30-Nov-2015 22:22:39 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2015 22:30:30 by Daximos

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