There's pretty blatant evidence that Sliske is alive, as you've said with the Light/Shadow masks, the WG suddenly blacking out near Relomia, The literal energy transference we witness when striking Sliske down, and I believe that having been powered up by the Stone (He was contending with the power of both Seren and Zaros, that's something that absolutely necessitates the Stone's power to endure, not even Lucien in his Prime was that strong), he absolutely had the power and knowledge he needed, to transfer his soul before it went to the Void/Non-existence that Mahjrarrat and Gods would usually suffer, Tier 2 Gods excepted.
If Zaros, as a God, can make his soul survive entirely in an ethereal form on corporeal death, then it's not at all far-fetched that a Powerful Magician high on Elder-juice, can perform a knock-off version of that trick by pouring his soul into another physical vessel instead, that being us, the player, we are the vessel.
I mean, if what i've gathered from your post is correct, Jagex want to ditch what could potentially actually be a good plot point for the future?
Oh and by the way.
There should be a second Elven civil war soon.
Seren did kinda throw them to the wolves, dooming them to extinction, some elves for a second time, in favour of the very beings that wanted to consume them all.
There can absolutely be no way that all Elves are going to be okay with that, even if they are hooked on her crystals. Even the mind-control must have a limit, I think Universal Omnicide is going to make them a little bit upset, you know.
I think it'd open up an avenue to have a sort of reverse-version of prior quests, where maybe the Iowerth are the good guys now.
13-Apr-2022 00:56:40