
Death of a god?

Quick find code: 341-342-464-65848612

Mr Stoves
Dec Member 2020

Mr Stoves

Posts: 1,045 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In children of mah it's obvious from the wording that Zamorak and Zaros is going to feud..again. I'm speculating that perhaps one of them is going to kill the other if given the choice, or we get to. All I'm asking is this: "Do people think we or either god will get the choice to kill the other? If so, would you let it happen?" Granted of course we would declare allegiance to one of them during the quest, as I imagine that will be happening before the battle.

I personally would revel in the death of Zamorak. Not for Zaros, but for my own reasons. I see him as a fallen god already, death is the only comfort he deserves.

06-Nov-2016 08:30:27



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I still feel like Zaros would have too much importance in other questlines to be able to die in this one. Such as the upcoming Elder God questline. Even then if he was attacked by Zamorak again he could just get us to make him another body unless Zamorak knows how to completely eradicate Zaros' soul which I would guess is unlikely, even before he was a god he had the help of two Elder Artifacts and still only destroyed Zaros' body.

Right now Zamorak doesn't have either of those artifacts to assist him.
(Unless Sliske's being his devious self again.)

I will find this upcoming Children of Mah interesting mainly because of my two RuneScape characters.
My main, this guy is Zarosian.
But my Ironman Argent is Zamorakian.

Whatever happens I'll see both paths.
I'm Gylkra, hunting monsters for fame and glory is my way.

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06-Nov-2016 08:44:32

Jan Member 2009


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I find it very unlikely that one of them is going to die. Zaros has a huge role in Elder god quest series, so he can't die yet. Zamorak will have a role in Evil Dave quest next year, so he can't die either. If one of them were to die, some other character would need to take their role.

From what I've heard from the mods, my understanding is that the situation between Zaros and Zamorak may be resolved by other means than "fight to the death" (not said directly, but slightly hinted). I think it's more likely that they'll be working together to help the mahjarrat (Zaros isn't really angry at Zamorak, and in my eyes Zamorak doesn't have much reason to attack Zaros other than fear of revenge/distrust).

If Zamorak and Zaros will fight a real battle, I think that at most one of them will become weaker, but not dead.
A lorehound, Quest Master and owner of three Quest Capes.

06-Nov-2016 09:26:48 - Last edited on 06-Nov-2016 09:38:40 by Voya



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I think it's entirely possible for someone in the quest to die.

Kharshai perhaps? Khazard?

Maybe even Mah herself, she certainly didn't get far after trying to chase down Zaros during Fate of the Gods, and she doesn't look any better than before.
Zarosian Lorehound

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06-Nov-2016 13:10:31

Aug Member 2022


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I think our choice will be who gets to kill Mah. Kharshai is also trying to avoid being sacrificed in the emergency ritual, and the BTS says that he's the one who sends us to how we eventually view the memories of the betrayal, though I'm not sure why he would be interested in that information here.

06-Nov-2016 13:26:24

Jul Member 2015


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ZAmorakZaros said :
I am ZAmorakZaros. And I will let neither of them die. Someone maybe will die. But not one of them. Not yet...

What would you do if you had to kill one of them then?
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06-Nov-2016 16:05:59

Chaos Lupus

Chaos Lupus

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My guess would be that Mah will die, and that her killer will be either Zamorak or Zaros, based on player choice. Maybe even Seren if the context of the situation requires her to act.

Zaros or Zamorak dying would be premature and do nothing but waste a lot of story potential for the future. Besides, Zamorak has a role to play in the upcoming Evil Dave quest and Zaros will almost definitely be heavily included in the elder god storyline.
The strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack.

06-Nov-2016 16:12:58 - Last edited on 06-Nov-2016 16:13:53 by Chaos Lupus



Posts: 6,735 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Too premature to kill any of the Gods. Killing Kharshai currently seems to be the most logical. Zamorak isn't allowed to die until they release an "of Hazeel" title, so my followers can recognize their new lord and savior. Runescape doesn't need a needs a villain. An all encompassing force of evil that will remain ever-threatening and use chaos to make the peoples of Gielinor tolerate each other, grow strong together, and fight side by side against this evil. I am that villain.

06-Nov-2016 16:15:03

Maiden China

Maiden China

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please. hazeel's a nobody whose days of being the most handsome mahjarrat will soon be over. :P

I'm guessing azzanadra will die. That way I'll hopefully be pleasantly disappointed. Kharshai was just released two seconds ago so I doubt they'll kill him Lynxlynx said :
ZAmorakZaros said :
I am ZAmorakZaros. And I will let neither of them die. Someone maybe will die. But not one of them. Not yet...

What would you do if you had to kill one of them then?
why not both?

06-Nov-2016 16:24:43

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