So, something interesting that helps sort out the timeline of the horror stuff.
The Pestilent journal (aka The Strange Tribes) is said to have been written by Herbert Dunwich. "The weeping", a book Mod Raven contributed to OSRS's Myths Guild, is also written by Herbert Dunwich. The weeping takes place in the Third Age, and involves an encounter with a strange weeping creature in a cave with previous signs of Zarosian occupation on the northern coast of Forinthry. The creature is described as being hulking, with spindly arms and a flash of razor sharp talons, and sounding like a weeping woman. To me, it sounds like some kind of ripper demon that has not fully taken control of its host, but we cannot rule out that is related to Xau.
Regardless, due to the Pestilent journal sharing its author with The Weeping, we can determine that it most likely takes place in the Third Age. From this, we can determine a likely timeline of events!
Decaying journal
- Second Age or earlier
Festering journal
- Second Age or earlier
Rotten journal
- Second age
Death at Sea
- Late second age, shortly before the fall of Zaros
Pestilent journal (The Strange Tribes)
- Third Age
Blasphemous journal (Beneath the Waves)
- ???
Old diary (Expedition Journal - 32)
- Fifth Age, ~year 159
You never were our brightest star, Khazard. 'Vermin slaughtered like lambs'? What does that even mean?
13-Mar-2018 22:09:13