I have some issues with Lumbridge and recent events bound to it:
- After a battle between gods the city is still defended by level 18 guards.
- After a battle between gods their are no wandering soldiers from the battle left. Why is that, never see a wars that ended without not a single guy (ok 1 guy in the pit) that sayed in the battle zone. I add least expected some saradomin warriors wandering arround the area and maybe some demons hiding underground.
The city is still under siege from level 1-3 goblins. Uhm the city was almost destroyed and they still aim into that direction... Now even their god Bandos is killed, uhm if I was a goblin I would hide in a cave (this actually is one from one of the old tutorials) add this point. The funny thing is that is no gate so I could run to the dessert where Zaros rules. However as a goblin I would rather go their than facing Saradomin or Armadyl that just killed my God than try to run into Lumbridge again. Or I could go up and seek help with the Zamorak priests near varrock.
In order todo the lore justice goblins should be clearing out the old mining cave and hide themself out their. Hell maybe even starting a underground village. Maybe even increase their combat level a little. They just survive a war and it's not like I'm going to get in lumbridge till I'm 20 combat or something. I will probally be wearing steel by the time I get their. With all these events and lore wise Lumbridge is no longer a place where newbies set their first steps. The environment should reflect everything what is happend their. Having a large hole is nice but the city and everything interact arround it is still the same. Where is Saradomins influence in all of this. Shouldn't their be white knights running arround now he claimed the land.
15-Dec-2016 13:16:17