Crow Crimson
Tumeken enchanting the 4 minor gods from normal animals reminded me of Guthix enchanting Death and the Easter Bunny from normal mortals (which did not seem to weaken him btw).
If this was true, would Death and the Easter Bunny be considered tier 7 minor gods as well?
Tumeken gave each of the four minor gods divine power. Guthix didn't do that to Fiara, Juna, Ocellus, Death, or the Easter Bunny, rather he made them grow bigger and heightened their mental capacity to allow them to think and speak like we do. Think of Nex who Zaros evolved to become intelligent and not a mindless savage. I think Tumeken did something different where he actually ripped a chunky part of his own energy to make them gods.
the easter bunny is canon now? no. Death I can deal with, but not this
It's not like Guthix could have given them non-divine power... that's all he has access to. Unless you want to think he anima mundi'd them up. They're more than just sentient animals, they're fairly powerful. Not on the same level as the desert gods, probably but in some areas petty close
Maiden China
the easter bunny is canon now? no. Death I can deal with, but not this
It's not like Guthix could have given them non-divine power... that's all he has access to. Unless you want to think he anima mundi'd them up. They're more than just sentient animals, they're fairly powerful. Not on the same level as the desert gods, probably but in some areas petty close
Death is a Guardian; the Easter Bunny isn't. Much like Santa, I think they were his gifts to mortals to help with their celebrations of the death and rebirth of the seasons. It's kinda why they have "super powers" that others of their kinds don't. Death is excluded as we know that Guthix personally empowered him (Like Cres, Ocellus, and us that we know of for sure) to be a Guardian during or before the end of the Third Age.
Maiden China
the easter bunny is canon now? no. Death I can deal with, but not this
It's pseudo-canon, I guess. In the game, but obviously inspired by real holidays. With a few exceptions I don't think anyone would argue that they're canonical... though either way they don't really impact major story content.
Patrolling Lore FC almost makes you wish for a Great Revision.
02-May-2017 06:33:09
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02-May-2017 07:19:52
Wait, Guthix empowered Death? i sort of though death was just... the first person to die on any world, and then he met guthix (or was guthix-y before he died) and joined the guardians... or... was the first guardian, I mean
Crow Crimson
Tumeken enchanting the 4 minor gods from normal animals reminded me of Guthix enchanting Death and the Easter Bunny from normal mortals (which did not seem to weaken him btw).
If this was true, would Death and the Easter Bunny be considered tier 7 minor gods as well?
Tumeken gave each of the four minor gods divine power. Guthix didn't do that to Fiara, Juna, Ocellus, Death, or the Easter Bunny, rather he made them grow bigger and heightened their mental capacity to allow them to think and speak like we do. Think of Nex who Zaros evolved to become intelligent and not a mindless savage. I think Tumeken did something different where he actually ripped a chunky part of his own energy to make them gods.
So it wasn't that he lost a tier but rather he divided himself. Kinda like if I gave you a bodily appendage to borrow...
Which begs the question, to what extent is his essence in the other four gods conscious? Or has it wholly merged with their minds?
And what was his purpose in dividing his power? Does that give us an insight into his belief system? Perhaps he had a "all for one and one for all" attitude?
Also, is this technically "manipulation of life" or more that he was imparting power? That would give us a more definite answer a sense to his power.
I'm still most inclined to believe their creation didn't affect his power at all (as explained earlier), but regarding the current discussion: what about Icthlarin and Amascut?
If Tumeken lost some of his power in the creation of his four aspects, it has to be considered that the same would have happened with his two children -- just in tandem with Elidinis. If we're thinking he dropped a tier or whatever in this process, could she have originally been of a higher tier too?
I'm still most inclined to believe their creation didn't affect his power at all (as explained earlier), but regarding the current discussion: what about Icthlarin and Amascut?
If Tumeken lost some of his power in the creation of his four aspects, it has to be considered that the same would have happened with his two children -- just in tandem with Elidinis. If we're thinking he dropped a tier or whatever in this process, could she have originally been of a higher tier too?
Yeah, I think Icthlarin and Amascut were joint efforts on the part of Tumeken and Elidinis. It was likely with an Elder Artefact as well. Two tier 5s wouldn't be able to do something like that unless they were originally a higher tier or had an Artefact to help out. Kerapac is, I imagine, weaker than the gods by himself, but he has a ton of knowledge on the Artefacts and is able to infuse his lifeblood into eggs. That's something other gods can't do, so it's possible that infusing lifeblood is unique to Dragonkin only.
Another thing is that if Tumeken is tier 5 after creating Icthlarin and Amascut (they were apparently mortal animals infused with his and Elidinis' power, and the same may be said about the avatars), and blowing himself up, he might be somewhat like Guthix, wishing to leave his people to their devices while giving them advice on how to survive and be happy. This is shown further in what the avatars themselves represent; Crondis being frugality and modesty, Het symbolising physical health, Scabaras representing solitude and contemplation, and Apmeken representing humour and kindness. All of these things may be what he believes to be key to happiness for mortals, while Icthlarin lay them to rest when the time came for them to die, and Amascut was likely intended to give heroes and innocent people a second chance at life and resurrect them.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in
Naval Cataclysm!
Pokemon battle? Friend Code: 4614-0426-2439
02-May-2017 16:15:40
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02-May-2017 16:21:47
Ancient Drew
I think Tumeken had the Staff of Armadyl through part of the god wars. Because after Zamorak took down Zaros with it, it disappeared from history.
One of its uses is the transferring of power. Perhaps it was with the staff that he transferred his power into the gods, and with the staff that he transferred himself into the gem.
Ancient Drew
Another thing is that if Tumeken is tier 5 after creating Icthlarin and Amascut (they were apparently mortal animals infused with his and Elidinis' power, and the same may be said about the avatars).
what? so he's like 'y'know what would be fun? if we turned the house cat into a goddess and pretended she was our daughter for a thousand years and then just dropped that bomb on her, making her go insane and start eating souls'