Alright, forgot to finish this but let me briefly state what I recall I was going to say:
That witches are Zamorakian is evidenced by the fact that they tend to reside in the poor areas which see wealth move past them; Rimmington, Draynor, etc. They have something characteristic to them; their houses/shops always have charms outside. Now, these charms are only seen in game in two other places; outside the chaos dwarves tunnell in the wilderness, and the Wizards Guild in Yanille. Yanille is near to Witchaven, a place we can assume had a lot of witches in it a some point, and the areas around Kandarin are awash with Zamorakianism. Witches tend to work for Zamorakian, or at least "dark" forces in game a lot. It seems a Zamorakian phenomena.
The Guild has a clear reason to try to undermine the Wizards Tower; they're rivals, they are reliant on it for access to runes (at some cost, presumably), and they are utterly in its shadow. They're also in a more martial, Zamorakian infused culture than the WT, evidenced by the on ething they seem to have over the WT;the right to give out skillcapes to battle mages. That's a speculative point, but it suggests a willingess to mix with Zamorakian mages. I'm on firmer ground however, in pointing our the charms is either something the Guild picked up from the witches, or vice versa. This suggests a cross firtility in magical expertise between the Guild and the Zamorakian underground. The sings of this spread from west to east, one witch at a time, all the way into Rimmington and Draynor, but NOT into Misthalin. Why not? Why are the White Knights less interesting in removing this pest that the Misthalins?
The most plausible answer lies in that this magical expertise bleeding from Kandarin into Arsgarnia throw a silk road of quietly Zamorakian mages is beneficial to Asgarnia, as an outlet for the oppressive monopoly of Misthalin's WT, both economically and as source of magical research for the Temple Knights. So they permit it.
20-Feb-2020 21:15:03
- Last edited on
15-Oct-2020 21:52:20