Charos gives two criteria he desires for his new life:
1. It should allow him to continue his research into wishbringing.
2. He is eager to outlive death.
Movario fulfills 1, but neglects 2 (given his return to Morytania while Drakan yet lives and exploration of the Wilderness).
Glouck may fulfill 2, but presents no evidence of fulfilling 1.
Dionysius could potentially fulfill 1 (adventuring leading to the uncovering of more info on wishbringing), but seems to run counter to 2 (adventuring can have a pretty high casualty rate especially for somebody who doesn't initially seem to be well versed in combat-magics, and the swan song doesn't work for either).
It's also worth considering that Charos may have changed identities several times (given that he fled while Drakan was still partially active as ruler, and seems to have survived to modern day). In order to maintain and continue his research, we'd therefore expect him to have either taken up the identity of an immortal being or a successive line of mortals inheriting or otherwise maintaining control of his place and records of research. Or, at the very least, individuals who wormed their way into positions to acquire more research.
09-May-2018 01:50:25
- Last edited on
09-May-2018 01:58:38