• Dorgeshuun~I consider the finale to be The Chosen Commander, but the Mighty Fall does have some claim on this, since it deals directly with Zanik and the fate of Dorgesh-Kaan. Chosen Commander is one of the
great quests
of Runescape, one of those things you can put on a pedestal, and point to when your gaming credibility is on the line, and say "we may not have X,Y,Z, but YOUR dumb game doesn't have The Chosen Commander." Great dialogue, a moving speech, a moment of staid pride as the meek goblins prepare their doomed last stand. It encapsulates the themes of xenophobia, identity, and independence woven throughout the story, in a way that renders the player and all his allies heroes.
The Mighty Fall, gameplay wise, is one of the most giddily enjoyable quests in RS, and acts as a fantastic sendoff to the Bandosian faction, sunsetting in a way that celebrates their values. BUT, it criminally mishandles Zanik and her relationship to the player, and for that - arguably the central theme of the Dorgeshuun series - it can't be forgiven. Bad finale.
• Fairy~This questline is generally so farcical, enclosed, and (outside of the finale) low-stakes, I don't think the final quest had a tonne to live up to. Not a lot of big mysteries to clear up. The final quest was very well-made (imo, best in the series), features much exploration, and just the right amount of buildup to the big battle. A satisfying conclusion overall.
• Myreque~This is a tough one. I would argue it was never truly concluded, because the final act of RoB, which would have finally tied the Splinter Group into the full breadth of the story, was axed. This quest series generated a plethora of questions - orders of magnitude above any other perhaps save Mahjarrat - and it was always going to be a challenge to tie these up in a satisfactory way. With 4 Ages of Morytania history on the line, I think we'd all accepted we wouldn't get to discover absolutely everything.
26-Nov-2016 06:36:24