"Zarosian ideology" is so loose and flimsy that the bulk of it is made up of player headcanon based on the loose scraps they can find in game. Whether you want to argue the existence of such ideology, though, is irrelevant.
Zarosianism is the worship of Zaros, pure and simple. Zaros is the lord and savior. Zaros will fix our problems. If we just do what Zaros wants, everything will be fine. Everything else is a very distant second.
He's not the only God like this, of course. Saradomin is much the same way, though to his credit, Saradomin actually does have a set of principles you could follow after he dies. The problem is these principles come after Saradomin, who would be willing to break them if he thought it served the greater good. So you're left in a shitty place if he's gone. Seren is even worse in this regard.
The Godless ideology--or Guthix's ideology--is one of the few, if not only, factions that can exist without its God. And even then, it's a bit hilarious how fanatical they are to Guthix, despite his desire to be forgotten.
Zamorakianism, in theory, would be the second but in practice it's more complicated. Although it preaches individualism, Zamorak--being a follower of his own ideology--would put himself first as well, which has structured his chain of command. In addition, Saradomin has pushed the mainstream Zamorakian closer to a Satanist who reveres the devil than an actual individualist. So if Zamorak were to fall, his ideology would likely be all but crushed as well.
The fundamental problem with Zamorakianism is that the line between ideology and religion are blurred. An ideology can survive without its founder, but a religion needs its God. And when it comes to Zarosianism, there's no question...it's a religion, not an ideology. If the God falls, then the religion dies.
Runescape doesn't need a hero...it needs a villain. An all encompassing force of evil that will remain ever-threatening and use chaos to make the peoples of Gielinor tolerate each other, grow strong together, and fight side by side against this evil. I am that villain.
28-Feb-2021 22:14:30
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28-Feb-2021 22:23:37