Currently if you click away when being offered a slayer task between Jad or Tzhaar from a slayer master (in the middle of dialogue more or less), you will be assigned Tzhaar automatically and can no longer choose to do Jad if you speak to the master again.
In my case Neive offered me the choice, I clicked away to ask my clans opinion, and was automatically assigned Tzhaar...
I'm unsure if this is a bug, it would be a simple fix if it is...
20 Year Runescape Vet. | Astrophysicist studying 21-cm hyperfine hydrogen lines
Definitely, it could be a 'feature'. I reported the potential bug after it happened but wanted to post here as well in the off chance another player sees this and finds themselves in the same situation.
Will do Jad eventually I suppose
20 Year Runescape Vet. | Astrophysicist studying 21-cm hyperfine hydrogen lines