TL;DR Curses be powercreep, curse points
are not
prayer points
It seems the community is split about the upcoming rewards from DT2.
I agree that new prayers, new mage gear and weaponry, BiS rings and a weapon might be too much coming in to the game from just one GM quest so here's what I've been thinking for a while now.
Give us Curses already.
Deflect curses should block 100% and have a 50% chance to deflect 10% damage. Adjust chance and damage % if needed.
Decimate, Annihilate and Vaporise are straight upgrades to Rigour, Augury and Piety so keep as is. Perhaps give Decimate 15-25% defence boost too, as Piety does.
Soulsplit? Perhaps keep that one out yeah, would love to see it maybe later on from a raid/boss scroll drop. on that train of thought, have each boss drop a (un)tradeable part of the scroll to unlock it?
These are curses, not prayers. Therefor prayer and restore potions should not restore Curse Points.
Have these new bosses drop a new tertiary ingredient that can be made into a new Curse Potion. This could be added to the existing Prayer Pot, or make a whole new recipe that includes a Torstol maybe? Make Torstols great again.
By the way, include a restore version too to combine in PVM with Saradomin brews?
This way the new book will be a straight upgrade (read powercreep) over the old one, but it will come at a higher cost to sustain over the old prayers, while not devalueing current prayer restore methods.
This could also mean that regular altars won't restore Curse Points, and an upgrade could be made to the altars in our POH and our pools to include restoring Curse Points.
To upgrade the altar and pool, we'd need a rare material dropped by the bosses and an item sold by a new NPC. I smell a goldsink right there.
Give us 1 altar that's not too easily accesible to restore Curse Points outside of our POH.