For every F2P bot you report for macroing (and that is subsequently banned), you will receive one counterfeit coin. Busta will exchange them for t-shirt, wares, and other merchandise. As for the P2P bots, you will earn ‘shiny’ counterfeit gp. Busta will exchange these for even more valuable wares, including membership bonds and lucky potions. However, Busta’s rewards aren’t cheap!
What I really like about the idea of anti-bot cosmetics is that bots will easily detect players wearing them (like they did PMods and Jmods) and leave. In a way, players become the new random event that’ll actually curb bots. Just having the shirt ready to put on to ward bots away would be a huge step toward stopping bots entirely.
As for the bonds, lucky potion, and other valuables, these are reward players won’t want to play without, thus encouraging players to keep on reporting bots. Also, the bragging rights of being able to renew membership via reporting bots isn’t too shabby either.
Lastly, the counterfeit coins themselves are the most powerful element of this whole idea, as it acts as an accumulative way and demonstrable proof that your reports have turned into action. You’ll know, with your ten of thousands of shiny counterfeit gp and “I report bots” t-shirt, that you have really made a difference in stopping cheaters. Sure, the bots will keep on coming, but they will now have to face an entire army players who are actively hunting them down like prey. And ultimately, it’s your reports that act as the first step the anti-cheat team need to begin their investigation.
26-Aug-2023 22:03:46