They should undo the tax system entirely, it is only advantageous to the extremely wealthy players.
Flipping is literally not a crime, not against TOS, and not breaking the game in any such way. It's also hit or miss, I've lost tens of millions on items I gambled on that literally ended up dropping in price.
This punishes those who aren't obscenely wealthy the most, those who simply have so much gold that the tax is insignificant. I rarely have more than 30mil in cash ever, which is a lot for newer players but a small drop in a bucket to those doing bossing and such. So I often will sell some gear to buy other gear. But now? I went to buy bandos tassets recently, paid 20.5mil and once I was done with them, I wanted to sell them back. But now, I have basically a 300K fine unless I up the price to counteract the enormous tax.
This basically eliminates my ability to buy gear for certain events and then sell it when I'm done with those events, because you would be hemorrhaging gold to make this happen on a regular basis.
I relied on flipping to make gold so I could focus on playing the game instead of grinding for gold constantly. Nothing shady, literally just buy offer 100k less sell offer 100k more and make a passive 200K profit IF it works out. Now, with the very limited time playing I have to spend it grinding for gold to be able to survive.
06-Mar-2023 22:14:52