Hello all. I had an interesting idea cross my mind today that I'd like to share.
Official Item Lending
WHO: Unrestricted Free/Member players. Ironmen/hard-core restrictions remain the same as it was by choice to play that game mode.
WHAT: The idea would be for the implementation of a sanctioned lending system that players could access as necessary.
WHY: Far too often, players require an item for a one-time use such as questing or clue hunting, and a myriad of other reasons. Many of these items are high price tags and not typically desired for use, past the necessary moment, and some are just unattainable to players who don't have much extra money in the bank.
HOW / MECHANICS: The interface would be a retalively convenient addition under the grand exchange, as it is the most widely used system throughout OSRS. A simple "lend item (from lender perspective)" and "request item (from lendee perspective)" would be added somewhere in the G.E. interface box allowing players to enter the subsystem. From there, lenders could "create lend offer," obviously being a tradeable item. Then one of two options: 1. Rent for either 6/12/18/24/+ hrs at a fixed rate price, or 2. Rent hourly at a fixed rate price, and you can set max hours you'd be willing to rent, and the lendee would just pay per hour until the item is returned. From the lendee side, the interface would work much like the G.E. search, where you can search a specific item and see lending offers, or even create your own offer to lend someone's item.
RULES: Lender - Once the item was lended, a grayed out placeholder in your bank of the item would ensue, rendering the item unusable until return, with no option to cancel early, protecting the lendee.
Lendee - The item would stay with you based on which option you chose (fixed time or hourly, and would, of course, be unsellable because it doesn't belong to you. If the lendee chose hourly, the coins would automatically deduct until item return/full coin depletion. Thanks
In response to your comment, the main focus wouldn't be rares (but technically they're tradeable so I guess they could be rented if people wanted to show off pretend wealth like IRL lol). The way I saw it is that people could lend items as a form of passive income. From the lendee perspective, it's helpful to rent an item they only need one time. A small example would be if you needed dragon boots for a clue, but didn't want to pay the full coinage to have them forever, you could just rent a one-time use. Like I said initially, it was just an idea. Thanks for the feedback