Alright so as we all know, summoning was objectively the best skill in the game. It was the most fun to play around with and it really made the game complete. So let's bring it back!
Now I know what most of you are going to say "But if you bring back summoning, the entire game will suddenly transform into rs3" I get your concern but consider this: Chill.
Let me throw some facts your way of why summoning wouldn't destroy the game as we know it and would actually be a great addition.
.Summoning was released on January 15, 2008
- The game would still be 07 'scape. This was released in bloody January of 2008! It's practically an 07 release! The game didn't magically become terrible the second summoning came to be. Chill, it'll be fine. It was just a lot of fun! Now, I can't speak for what came after that, but Summoning as it was in it's initial release was a very fun skill and was in no way a detriment to the game.
Honestly, can we even call this 07 'scape anymore?
- Listen, there's been so many new additions to the game, it's not the same game anymore. I made a joke a long time ago that it's actually rs3 with worse graphics and you know what, it's getting there. In fact, some of the things coming in like DRAGON CLAWS were released LONG after summoning was (November 26, 2008). So it's not even 07 scape anymore as we've got updates coming from 2008 and beyond. Summoning is no different.
There really is no reason not to poll it
- Give it a go. If it doesn't pass, then it doesn't pass but if it does pass, we get the best skill in the game. I see no actual problem here.
It's literally better than every other skill
- Did I mention it's objectively the best skill in the game, because it is.
So yeah, TL;DR: Summoning is the best skill in the game that was released literally right after 2007, there are updates coming in from long after that and it wouldn't hurt the game at all. Game isn't complete without it!
17-Nov-2016 21:00:18
- Last edited on
18-Jun-2018 04:50:45