Tltr: Clue step stash for Falo.
Now... Dont ya just hate the feeling you get while doing em juicy master clues and get that nice and easy Falo step, you know you got the item in your bank but:
1. You have to teleport to bank n back to Falo
2. and more importantly, it reminds you of those 19 items you keep in your bank just because
Wouldn't ya pay almost any price or even make a deal with Evil Bob to get that sweet sweet stash next to Falo?
I know I would.
Slap that stash next to him, if it seems like a niche quality of life update, that's because it is.
I mean, it could basically work like seed vault in farming guild does.
- Ya throw all em items in, take out the one Falo wants, deposit it back in, be happy and move on.
So, we all know obvious positive sides on it, saves tad bit of time, patience and bank space.
How about em negatives then, ya ask.
Like em master clue stashes, it would require construction, master clue stash can be build at lvl 88...but Falo is not as easy, eh?
- No, he's not... He aims higer, who knows, maby he can not remember if you build the stash or not.
-95 construction
- few planks, nails and maby even bars
- we all know he loves em tunes, slap music cape on the side of the stash!
Make all em clue hunters happy by making Falos stash a reality !
Ps. I was only thinking how nice it would be to get such a thing, did not really have any idea what requirements it would have, so those could be what ever ppl feel like would be appropriate for such a thing.
23-Apr-2023 01:04:34