I've seen some suggesting a Barding type skill,
I was thinking of a more general skill idea, Creation, where Barding (creating art, music, stories) would be a factor of the skill such like Crafting has jewellry, pottery, weaving, etc.
Creation of Art, music, stories, is something that can be gifted to other players, used in NPC activities/quests, and mounted in the POH. Imagine being able to create/choose a new song for when people visit your home. Or creating and art display to hang on the wall or mount in the garden.
Playing music (with the right tool/instrument) could assist in combat to stun the enemy- higher levels offer a longer stun.
Telling Stories can help quests, or accessing different areas with rapport, much like theiving and agility allow access to special areas/shortcuts.
There could be a minigame based on this skill, such as a multi-player instance, where you have to collect different resources, such as sand, sticks, rocks, bricks, etc. And create a sandcastle, or other form of a display of art, and at the end of the round, players get to vote for their favorite (besides their own) and the players are awarded XP based on the vote.
I was also figuring Creation could have a Life factor as well (Create Life), where something beginner level would be growing Shrimp/anchovies Eggs into the full fish that you could then harvest.(assisting with fishing/cooking)
Getting experience when it grows to a mature form, or nothing if it dies. Much like farming.
This could then be expanded to other animals/creatures as you level up.
These eggs, or other resources needed to "Create Life" would be from harvesting, killing, fishing,etc.ftom that mature animal. Unless it would be made tradeable, this would provide an experienced player a reason to go back to the basics of catching shrimp in hopes of receiving eggs to assist with the new skill.
I was almost jokingly thinking of the "pet" for this Creation skill could be a little child that just follows you around. 
29-Jan-2023 22:29:34