RS Name: UIM To4
Type of Ironman: Ultimate
Total Level: 937 (Free: 729)
How long have you played Runescape for?: on and off since 2015, consistently since mobile
Goals on Runescape?: UIM achievement cape
Favorite skill?: Hunter
Least favorite skill?: mining
Do you agree to follow all of the rules?: yes
Time Zone: PST (Seattle)
How did you find out about us?: Got recruited by sewer rat while fighting moss giants
Why do you want to join?: I've never been in a clan before.
Tell us something about yourself: I didn't even play this game as a kid, except getting 15 woodcutting then giving up. Something unrelated to runescape about me, I have a math degree and 24 years old (almost 25).
19-Jul-2021 04:51:59