RS Name: Thwarten
Type of Ironman: Regular IM
Total Level: 893 (885 Free)
How long have you played Runescape for?: Two years on and off
Goals on Runescape?: Mainly just perpetual grinding, max account and get a pretty sizable bank
Favorite skill?: Mining
Least favorite skill?: Crafting hurts my soul
Do you agree to follow all of the rules?: Yes!
Time Zone: GMT -4
How did you find out about us?: Googling
Why do you want to join?: Been in the CC for a long while, it's fun and half the reason I still continue my grind, would be nice to really be a part of the clan and have growth through that as well.
Tell us something about yourself: I am a *massive* music fan, which is probably not much considering everyone likes music but I also cannot think of another interesting fact
25-Apr-2021 16:41:18