RS Name:
Type of Ironman:
F2P UIM (exclusive, never member)
Total Level:
How long have you played Runescape for?:
Since 2002. Guess that's 18-19 years.
Goals on Runescape?:
Just have fun and play with other people. Maybe get some smithing levels too.. I'd like a Rune Axe.
Favorite skill?:
Definitely Smithing if we're talking F2P Only.
Least favorite skill?:
Hitpoints, because it's locked behind combat..
Do you agree to follow all of the rules?:
Time Zone:
PST (typically GMT-8)
How did you find out about us?:
Forums, a long time ago.
Why do you want to join?:
Same reason as goals. To have fun and play with like minded people..
Tell us something about yourself:
I like sewer more than you like anything