RS Name: OgreToast
Type of Ironman: Regular F2P Ironman
Total Level: 784
How long have you played Runescape for?: I’ve been playing this new account since March this year, but had my original accounts before the GE was released in 2007.
Goals on Runescape?: My goals are to relax, have fun and enjoy achievement that comes completing tasks as an Ironman such as being self-sufficient while fighting higher level monsters or crafting my own power amulet.
Favorite skill?: Probably Mining, Range or Magic.
Least favorite skill?: Runecrafting
Do you agree to follow all of the rules?: Yes
Time Zone: US Pacific Time
How did you find out about us?: I was invited to the in-game clan chat by Mage Hans when fishing in barbarian village. I’ve probably been hanging in out in clan chat for at least 2 weeks before deciding to apply.
Why do you want to join?: I’ve enjoyed the comradery of the clan chat where it’s a mix of very very experienced players and newer accounts and keeps things more active in the chat when I’m alone in the Runescape world without other people being social around me. It’s also been fun running people in the clan in the world to say hi and wish each other luck training or talking about anything random.
Tell us something about yourself: I’m a graduate school student who loves Chinese food, play Dota 2 and there is also a good chance I’m watching a show like The Clone Wars when doing more repetitive tasks.
17-May-2020 03:08:55