RS Name: exavion1191
Type of Ironman: HC Ironman
Total Level: 566
How long have you played Runescape for?: Since ~2005, though OSRS only 1-2 months
Goals on Runescape?: Unwind, & relax - I play mostly on mobile
Favorite skill?: Smithing
Least favorite skill?: Firemaking
Do you agree to follow all of the rules?: Yes!
Time Zone: EDT (GMT -4) - East Coast USA
How did you find out about us?: Searched Google & reddit
Why do you want to join?: Have a community to support/be supported by, do occasional grinds together, help with quests (Shield of Arrav for example)
Tell us something about yourself: I gave hundreds if not over a thousand hours of my childhood to RS back in 2005-2006, and now in my adult life I'm playing for relaxation and nostalgia. I like travel, biking, cigars, coffee, movies, and cooking IRL!
02-Oct-2019 18:49:23