RS Name: sowbr33
Type of Ironman: UIM
Total Level: 656
How long have you played Runescape for?:
Goals on Runescape?: enjoy f2p challenge
Favorite skill?: Smithing....
Least favorite skill?: prayer
Do you agree to follow all of the rules?: yes
Time Zone: AEST Eastern Australia
How did you find out about us?: google
Why do you want to join?: it's nice to have a community to share achievements and grinds with, get tips on training methods, especially as uim trying to get a nice route down for processing skills like smithing and crafting
Tell us something about yourself: I have a 2200+ main that I started when my daughter was born a few years ago. Only play on mobile, and started this f2p UIM as a challenge for myself when I can't play my main due to boss slayer or progress the main due to time or internet speed.
25-Jun-2023 11:25:17