RS Name:
Cas F2P
Type of Ironman:
Free to Play Ultimate Ironman
Total Level:
How long have you played Runescape for?:
Started in 2003 but I am horribly, horribly
ual ;P
Goals on Runescape?:
Ranged & Fishing 99, top 100 in hiscores for Ranged / Fishing, green cash stack
Favorite skill?:
Least favorite skill?:
Do you agree to follow all of the rules?:
Time Zone:
MST Mountain Standard Time - Arizona, USA (-7)
How did you find out about us?:
Searching through google stumbled upon and followed link
Why do you want to join?:
Usually play solo, but being a part of a down to earth and friendly community of like minded gamers is an opportunity I can't pass up!
Tell us something about yourself:
House music love, PLUR - Very new to Ironmen and OSRS in general, I value efficiency and have been thoroughly enjoying learning different methods to train multiple skills at once to maximize use of rare free time.
28-Mar-2019 01:44:31