RS Name:
Type of Ironman:
Total Level:
How long have you played Runescape for?:
On and off since 2006
Goals on Runescape?:
Trying to get 200m on smithing, and then work slowly towards the same on the other skills
Favorite skill?:
Magic, always liked its utility
Least favorite skill?:
Prayer, unbearably slow on f2p
Do you agree to follow all of the rules?:
Time Zone:
GMT-5, but depending on my job that can change rarely
How did you find out about us?:
Youtube while looking for an IM clan
Why do you want to join?:
Ask for help on what's most efficient for skill training, and interact once in a while with other people also enjoying f2p
Tell us something about yourself:
I may have played since 2006 but I'm only now choosing to learn how to get through a lot of the content. Though I know members is faster and has a lot extra, I really enjoy f2p and also like the challenge it presents along with being an UIM. This is also my first UIM so any advice would be much appreciated!
11-Jun-2022 03:53:44