What is your RuneScape name?: suctionpump6
Will you download and use Discord?: ye sure
If so, what is your Discord ID? thomax#4202
What is your build? (Main, 1 Def Pure, Skiller, Def Pure, etc): range/mage only acc (lvl 1 atk/str/def/pray)
What is your combat level?: 51
What is your total level?: 420 *giggity*
What is your favourite skill?: slayer i guess
What is your favourite activity on OSRS?: Playing the Leagues when they are out
Why do you want to join Unique CC?: maybe i can bring some uniqueness to the clan when i'm done with my account build (untrim slayer with only range/mage)
How did you hear about Unique CC?: searched on google for some clans
If you were recruited by a member of the clan, who was it?:
Have you read through the Rules and Ranking information?: yes
19-Jan-2021 16:38:01
- Last edited on
19-Jan-2021 16:39:07