What is your RuneScape name?: Klalv
Will you download and use Discord?: Yes
If so, what is your Discord ID?: Klav#5440
What is your build? (Main, 1 Def Pure, Skiller, Def Pure, etc): Not sure yet, I've just been levelling myself for the quests I'm doing
What is your combat level?: 53
What is your total level?: 624
What is your favourite skill?: Mining right now, I like to have high mining and smithing skills in games that I can
What is your favourite activity on OSRS?: Socialising, gameplay-wise it's probably quests? I've never really done any minigames before
Why do you want to join Unique?: I enjoy playing this game but have no one else to play it with, would be cool to have others to talk to when I do
How did you hear about Unique?: Found on the forum
If you were recruited by a member of the clan, who was it?: No
Have you read through the Rules and Ranking information?: Yes
10-Mar-2023 02:14:40