What is your RuneScape name?: Kaintaie
Will you download and use Discord?: Sure!
If so, what is your Discord ID? Kaintaie#7722
What is your build? (Main, 1 Def Pure, Skiller, Def Pure, etc): Main
What is your combat level?: 88
What is your total level?: 1406
What is your favourite skill?: Farming - probably
What is your favourite activity on OSRS?: I'd say high alching... but actually I'm into unlocking new music tracks.
Why do you want to join Unique CC?: Well, I was a member awhile ago, back from a hiatus. (last year roughly) Still is a great place to hang out and be a part of.
How did you hear about Unique CC?: Myself (had to)
If you were recruited by a member of the clan, who was it?: N/A
Have you read through the Rules and Ranking information?: I have!
25-Oct-2020 15:07:06