RSN: Hellstare
Combat Level: 109 ( I'm 109 combat for pking/restriction reasons, one of my long term goals being to obtain all pets as a maxed med level, I have a good understanding of boss mechanics , I'll definitely pull my own weight in a group bossing situation)
Attack Level: 75
Strength Level: 99
Defence Level: 75
Hitpoints Level: 99
Prayer Level: 77
Range Level: 99
Magic Level: 99
Skill Total: 1925
How did you hear about us? 'unla' , who also sent me through the forum details to apply.
Why would you like to join this clan? To do group PvM, with others that are in my time zone.
Do you have any bossing experience? I have experience in a few bosses, but still have a lot to learn. Done a bit of Zilyana, gauntlet, some easier bosses like vorkath, Kbd and recently started up at nightmare.
Have you been in any other clans? No
What time zone are you in? AEDT - Melbourne, Australia
Do you understand our rules? Yes
Do you have Discord? Hellstare#9928
27-Nov-2020 05:49:18