RSN: Atrolantra
Combat Level: 116
Attack Level: 93
Strength Level: 98
Defence Level: 89
Hitpoints Level: 95
Prayer Level: 71
Range Level: 85
Magic Level: 80
Agility Level: 81
Skill Total: 1870
How did you hear about us? Saw Ibiza at the GE asking if there were any solo aussie players around that were keen on a PvM clan.
Why would you like to join this clan? I'm getting more into PvM and wouldn't mind having some more mates ingame. This seems like a great way to kill two birds with one stone. I also like the activity level of the clan and the regular events.
Do you have any bossing experience? Minimal but a solid knowledge of the fundamentals. Some DK kills, Jad, Demonics. I'm very keen to learn and expand.
Do you have barrows gloves? Yes
What time zone are you in? AEST, GMT+10
Do you understand our rules? Yes
Will you use the clan discord? Yes
13-Jun-2020 08:13:03