RSN: AllPetsInc
Total level: 1131
Rs history/story/main+alt accounts: I started in 99 playing Classic, moved to Rs2 of course and played that until 2008, buncha real life stuff happened and until a few weeks ago I had no idea "Osrs" existed. I happened to see an ad that featured osrs and was flooded with nostalgia, looked up a bunch about it and thought it looked awesome. Made this account after watching a 12 hour long video on the tube from someone starting out as a level 3 and ending it doing all kinds of crazy stuff I haven't seen before lol. Been at it for a few weeks and it's got me in its grip again so yeah, I'm here hah.
Account type: Will be a main for sure
Timezone: Central time zone or -6 gmt
Favorite boss: Not sure anymore. Classic was obviously KBD, in Rs2 me and a friend was one of the few earliest people to grind out Dragon chains from kq, got 27 of them, I logged them all down on some notebook paper to post in the monster logs on the forums back in the day. All the chains sold for over 30m. We stopped after they started dropping even further though when more people started doing it due to the Veracs sets popping up everywhere from Barrows. We were spoiled hah. I basically did nothing but Dharock pking after that until I got really bored and quit in 08.
Why do you want to join Wildfire? Looking for people to talk with while playing, also because I will probably ask plenty of questions if that's cool. Also, does this clan have the thing where it shows everyone you got a good drop? My friend told me about that but some clans don't have it, I thought that sounded pretty cool honestly
Have you been a member of, or recently applied to any other clans, if so why did you leave? Nope, you were the first clan at the very top of the list, clicked it and saw I was eligible so went ahead and decided to apply
Do you understand that multi-clanning isn't accepted in Wildfire? Sure do
How did you hear about us? Saw in Clans on forums
08-Aug-2023 03:55:21