RSN: Koxu
Total level: 1523
Rs history/story/main+alt accounts: Just been playing since I was in school, my main I still have is called mgoo which I started in 2007 - been hooked ever since playing on and off. Started a new account to relive all the good memories and looking for players to enjoy the experiences with and reach new locations/levels I've not achieved previously!
Account type: Main (normal)
Timezone: GMT +1 (UK)
Favorite boss: I haven't bossed much really, mainly skill. Would like to get into it more though which is why I started a new account to progress and try new bosses/mechanics I haven't previously.
Why do you want to join Wildfire? Looking for a good group of people to socialise and hopefully boss with in the future (when I reach that level) in a similar timezone who are there to have a good time and enjoy the grindy game we all love (and hate lol).
Have you been a member of, or recently applied to any other clans, if so why did you leave? Quite a few, but over many years - mainly left due to quitting and coming back to the game months/years later and forgetting about the CC or the CC disbanding.
Do you understand that multi-clanning isn't accepted in Wildfire? No problem, I'm not aligned with any other clans.
How did you hear about us? Via the Forums here!
25-Jul-2023 14:10:10