Runescape Name: ProfRoibus | Nso Nnunu
Preferred Name: Prof, Stork, Nso, or Ude--doesn't really matter to me
Timezone: EST
P2P or F2P: P2P | F2P
Total level: 1485 | 256
What do you enjoy doing most in game?: Questing and some minigame/raid activities I would like to learn. Coming back to osrs after a huge break and relearning a lot of the game.
What is your current goal in Runescape?: Fire Cape --> Quest Cape --> Max --> Log/Comp Cape
How did you find us? (referral, forums, ) Forums
Do you agree to our rules?: Yes, of course.
What rule is most important to you, and why?: Not really one to pick favorites, usually.
Any additional comments about yourself?: I talk a lot and have a lot of old knowledge of osrs that is definitely outdated and needs some correction. Very social, but also why I left my last clan; not much response from people and didn't really feel comfortable talking.
07-Aug-2022 22:26:30